Austin 3-Litre


Austin 3-Litre Site Map

Here is an overview of the content of the pages on this site, this should make it easy for you to navigatate to the page you want to quickly. Just click on its title to get there.

  • Home          An introduction to the site.
  • History        How the cars came to be, price new, numbers built and variations built.
  • Buying          What to look at, what to be aware of, what to pay and what to expect.
  • Ambulance   Picture of Ambulances and a brief guide to them.
  • Hearse         Picture of a Hearse and a brief guide to them.
  • Estate          Pictures of Estates and a brief guide to them.
  • Limo            Picture of a Limo, including the interior and a brief guide to them.
  • Prototypes    B.M.C did some prototype development, one of which had a V8 engine. VDP also produced a prototype.
  • Brochures      Images of various sales brochures from when the cars were new.
  • Downloads     Technical help, parts and owners manuals,buyers guide and a newsletter archive section.
  • Downton        Downton did a fantastic tuning kit, see how they did it here.
  • Contact          Contact details for Neil Kidby, if you need help or advice please feel free to get in touch.
  • Owners Club   History of the club and details of how to join this free online club.
  • News             Up to date news in the 3-Litre world, where we will be at shows etc.